Ingredient: Celery
Wash celery thoroughly, especially the ribs.
Cut the stalks according to the juicer entrance.
Run celery through the juicer.
Health Benefits:
Helps treat inflammatory diseases like arthritis, osteoporosis, gout, and even asthma (luteolin, polyacetylenes)
Relaxes muscles inside the blood vessels (phthalide)
Lowers blood pressure (phthalide)
Helps reduce the effects of stress hormones (coumarins)
Helps prevent the spread of cancer (apigenin, luteon)
Gives skin a healthy tone (vitamin A, vitamin C, rivoflavin)
Enhances relaxation and sleep (magnesium)
Lessens high blood pressure and hypertension (apigenin)
Note: Add apple for a tastier mix.
Healthy Juices by Arlene May Gealone-Corpus
